QFX Import and Reconciled Transactions

DaveC49 davidcousens at bigpond.com
Thu Feb 15 22:57:31 EST 2018

Hi David,

Agreed that the process of importing of transactions to an account is a
separate and distinct process from that of reconciliation with an external

Given that however, the import process, if it matches an existing
transaction in your accounts will classify a transaction as "Reconcile
(auto) match" and the R column is checked. What I am unsure of is whether
this will set the "reconciled" flag on the transaction. 

I just tried reimporting an OFX file which I imported earlier today and it
correctly matched all transactions as currently existing ( these had not
been reconciled against a statement and the reconcile flag was not set in
the account register). I was reluctant to hit OK to see whether it sets the
reconcile flag on the transaction records, but I took the risk of having to
unset a month's records, and it *does not *set the reconcile flag on
re-importing and justs skips importing the records which is the desirable
behaviour (from my point of view). It is the use of reconcile in the context
of importing that is confusing. I would prefer to see a more explanatory
message like "Auto match to existing record - skipping import" in that
comment field, i.e. not use reconcile in this context because of the
confusing the process with reconciliation.

The original question I answered was referring, I think, specifically to the
import process matching imported transactions to already reconciled
transactions, i.e. those with the reconcile flag already set in the account
register and  not just the R column set in the import process (and the
"Reconcile (auto) match" in the comment field of the transaction). 

I have not specifically tested whether Gnucash actually does that yet but I
will give it a go with a test set of books later today and see what actually
does happen.  I remember finding documentation of the Bayesian matching and
what the flags (A, U+R, R ) mean being veryhard to come by a year or two ago
and John Ralls spelled it out for me in a reply to a question at that time,
however I can't find that in the archives but this one  does have it

David Cousens
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