Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

farleykj farleykj at
Mon Feb 19 22:09:42 EST 2018

I'm not sure which item you're referring to, so I'll say a bit about each:
(1) As far as I can figure, if I want to add a quote source, like US EE/E/I
savings bonds, I have to write my own Perl code to get it done. The existing
Finance::Quote modules just don't work, or at least not when I tried to use
them. To add a quote source, I needed to modify the code to add the
name of my new routine. I don't really see any way around doing a bit of
Perl stuff. I didn't want to have to do this, and had to learn the rudiments
of the language to do so.
(2) Setting the symbols for the bonds was just a matter of my personal
preferences. Hopefully they're logical and easy to remember, but probably
not what someone else would come up with off the cuff.
(3) My troubles with connecting with the site are a bit
of a mystery to me, and the so-called "solutions" were somewhat
experimental, involving a lot of "error message text" searches. Each time it
seemed that some module or program (openssl, the last time) had suddenly
become outdated and insufficient.
I understand that we'd not want the average user fiddling about with Perl
code, but could something like the quote setup code be used to "install"
bond quote accessing code "automatically"? Might be a bit messy...

Ken Farley
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