Finance-Quote 1.45 released!

Adriano Baldi adriano.baldi at
Fri Jan 5 06:28:19 EST 2018

Hi Erik

It's been a few days now that data coming from Alphavantage related to
London listed shares in USD (.IL) are already divided by 100. So they now
look wrong.
I removed the change that we had recently made only for (.IL) and for me the
problem is solved.

               # divide USD quotes by 100 if suffix is '.IL'
                if ( ($suffix eq '.IL') && ($info{$stock,'currency'} eq
'USD') ) {
                    foreach my $field ( $quoter->default_currency_fields ) {
                        next unless ( $info{ $stock, $field } );
                        $info{ $stock, $field } =
                            $quoter->scale_field( $info{ $stock, $field },
                                                 * 1 ); # It was 0.01*

Best regards 

    Adriano Baldi

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