[GNC] Alphavantage quote displaying wrong currency and value

Fred Bone Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com
Sun Jul 8 15:26:03 EDT 2018

On 08 July 2018 at 9:51, Mark Blakeney said:

> Then I eventually discovered the Type/Namespace
> field serves no purpose whatever and can be configured to whatever you
> want to make up! That field should be removed. 
The obvious purpose is to let the user group securities by type. If you 
have no use for such a distinction, you can choose to ignore it.

> Also, why is it required to
> configure a timezone? The software is only after the latest quote price
> and should be able to hide that complexity from the user.

Your timezone determines when midnight (and hence a new day) occurs 
relative to UTC. This may be different from the corresponding offset of a 
given quote-source. And you are not "required" to tell Gnucash what 
timezone your quote-source uses: there is a default.

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