Gnucash Crashing

John Ralls jralls at
Fri Mar 2 08:55:22 EST 2018

> On Feb 28, 2018, at 11:05 AM, J.L. Sundstrom <jlster at> wrote:
> Recently upgraded to 10.13.3 and had to upgrade Gnucash (GC 2.6.19) to work with it.  All was well until installing “recommended” update to 10.13.3 (character sequence can cause crash) on 2/22/18.  After that, opening and closing GC and then trying subsequent opening GC crashes (Apple info available if wanted).  Discovered work-around of reinstalling GC which opens the app and I can use it without problem.  But, close it and try to open again… it crashes.  Any ideas why this would be the case?  It appears that Apple’s update broke 2.6.19.

Sorry, the first one went from the wrong email account for the list.

Please open a bug and attach the crash report to it.

John Ralls

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