Income shows as negative

D sunfish62 at
Sun Mar 11 03:14:34 EDT 2018


Although I am *not* an accountant, I understand that in standard accounting, income is shown as a negative balance. The Tutorial covers this.

There is a setting that allows you to display income accounts with reversed signs, if this bothers you.


On March 11, 2018, at 8:59 AM, Ken Pyzik <pyz01 at> wrote:

I am thinking it could be dependent upon what account type you set it up as.
Is it set as an Income Account or an Expense Account type?  It is possible
you have it setup as an Expense Account type which is why it would show as a
negative expense?    If that is not it -- then you would have to give a
little more detail on the setup to see why it is opposite what you expect.  

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user < at> On
Behalf Of am
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 7:48 PM
To: gnucash-user at
Subject: Income shows as negative 

I just finished setting up gnuCASH and found that after entering income (and
other date ie expenses, etc) it shows up as negative(in parenthesis).  This
would mean a negative income? Why would it not show as expected - POSITIVE
income since there was no loss. Is this how accounting works? What am I


Thanks for any help

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