Check Printing Question

David Reiser dbreiser at
Fri Mar 16 08:43:18 EDT 2018

> On Mar 16, 2018, at 7:12 AM, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at> wrote:
> After looking at the docs you provided, unless I am missing something more, it appears that it is not the check definition that is wrong, at least as far as I can tell. See below..
> I have discovered that if I print the checks 1 at a time and with the position as Top and print, Middle and print and lastly Bottom and print by reloading the same page into my printer ALL THREE checks will be printed in the proper positions.
> In the file /usr/share/gnucash/checks/quicken_wallet.chk there is reference to Check Positions as shown below:
> [Check Positions]
> Height = 204.0
> Names = Top;Middle;Bottom
> However, there is not a definition for either of the 3 listed Names, "Top, Middle, Bottom". Where is that information stored and can it be modified?

Top, Middle, and Bottom just tell gnucash whether to start printing 0, 1, or 2 x Height from the top of the page.
Coupled with the “checks on the first page” option, you can tell gnucash exactly how to handle the first page of a multiple page check printing. If you select Middle position and 1 check on the first page, the first check is printed alone in the middle position of the first sheet, while all remaining pages contain 3 checks per page (since that’s the format you picked).
I never intend to run a printed check back through a printer — too much chance to screw up and overprint an existing check. I’ve always removed printed checks from the last sheet out of the printer from any check printing session. So the next print job is always set to Top position, with Checks on First Page set to the number of blank checks available on the first sheet.

I only print about 3 checks per year these days, but sometimes they all happen in the same print job.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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