GNUcash setup

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sun Mar 18 17:59:14 EDT 2018

On 3/18/2018 4:27 PM, Ronal B Morse wrote:
> Have you looked at using the log files to duplicate transactions from 
> one session into another?

I don't think that would fit the case here, as in the general case, the 
transactions would NOT be duplicates. Take a look at the example Ken gives.

"such as expensing a portion of utilities for my home office business 

 From the point of view of personal books:  Check to utility, debit of 
transaction split between a personal utility expense and probably a loan 
to the business << or an additional investment in the business >>
 From the point of view of the business, a debit to a business utility 
expense (for that amount) and a credit to a liability to the business 
owner. Or of course could have been treated as a negative draw << 
additional investment in the business rather than a loan to it.  >>

Michael D Novack

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