Saving file to Dropbox

Roger Oliver rmomxtx at
Wed Mar 21 07:26:38 EDT 2018


You wrote:

I would like to save my GnuCash files to dropbox so I can edit across both
Macbook and my PC.

Saving to Dropbox hasn't been a problem on my Macbook.  I am able to simply
select the Dropbox folder in the file tree when opening or saving from
GnuCash.  GnuCash on my PC does not show the same parent file list as my
Macbook, Dropbox isn't on the list.  It only shows C: and shortcuts to
desktop, etc.  I can clearly see dropbox in my normal Windows File Explorer
but not GnuCash.

How can I save to or open from Dropbox in GnuCash on PC?

How I stumbled on a solution
We work from DropBox in Windows. Took a while to figure it out. I think the
secret is to install the DropBox app on the Windows computer. It should
place the Dropbox icon in Windows file explorer. When it appears there, it
should be available in GunCash. At least that's how it worked for us.

I accessed it through the menu path, file/save as. The window that pops up
to save as shows the file pathway at the top of the box that shows the list
of files as a series of buttons. I go to the far left, in my case it shows
Toshiba, the name of the PC. From there the file structure that is in
Windows file explorer should show up in GnuCash. I use GnuCash on my
personal PC as well and that file structure shows DropBox and OneDrive.

Hope it works. Pretty handy one we figured it out.

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