database problem with invoices to more than one customer

Vario816 993-4s at
Sun Mar 25 10:32:58 EDT 2018

Hello Adrien,

many thanks for your response.

I have only four customers abd their contacts saved sofar in this database. 

When drawing up a new invoice via
-> Business -> Customer -> New Invoice... 
then I enter the new Invoice ID, set the date, choosing one of the four
with auto suggestion, choose the job (at present only one job saved), give a 
billing ID, choose the terms (upto now only one term saved) and then go on

The result is that all data had been taken over correctly, EXCEPT of the
customer name
which is strangely the first customer that I have ever entered in the
directory. I can
choose before any of the three other customers and it still comes back with
the first customer
ever saved. I will try to display this with a couple of more screen shots.

Either I am doing some substantially wrong here or there's a bug which I
cannot get
rid of. Closed the app, rebooted the machine several times but the problem

Help, please!


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