[GNC] Up grade from 2.6.xx to 3.1

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Thu May 10 10:56:29 EDT 2018

> On May 9, 2018, at 3:19 PM, DaveC49 <davidcousens at bigpond.com> wrote:
> Dennis
> It is probbaly a good idea to uninstall the previous build of 2.6.x before
> upgrading. With the changes between 2.6 and 3.1 there may have been changes
> in the libraries/library names such that some older libraries may not
> necessarilybe overwritten.
> How to remove it will depend upon how you installed it and in which location
> you installed it. If you built it from sources and you have retained the
> source directory, try changing to the top level source directory or a build
> directory if there is one in a terminal and then type 
> make uninstall
> if it was installed under your home directory
> or sudo make uninstall
> if it was installed to a system directory like /usr/local or/opt.
> If you didn't retain the source directory and/or build directory then things
> get a bit harder. One strategy would be to download the sources for that
> version again. Follow the instructions for buidling that version apart from
> the "make install" or "sudo make install" at the end. This will recreate a
> manifest file. Then issue the "make install" or "sudo make install" in the
> top level source directory (if you built them with a build directory then
> issue the command in that build directory.)  Both Cmake and autotools can be
> used on the later 2.6.x versions.
> You can tell where Gnucash is installed using
> whereis gnucash 
> in a shell to list the locations that gnucash was installed to. If the first
> part of the path is /usr/local or /opt or another system location ( that is
> one not under the /home/dennis tree) then you will need to use sudo as a
> prefix to make uninstall. I am not sure if whereis locates installs under
> your home directory however.
> If you installed using apt then
> sudo apt-get remove gnucash
> should do the job.
> If you installed from a debian package you downloaded
> sudo dpkg -r gnucash
> should also remove it
> There are instructions on the 
> The BuildUbuntu16.04 wiki page has a section for Uninstalling Gnucash as
> above. It also has a link  and a link to another which has instructions for
> manually removing Gnucash. I need to add more to that page but the manual
> removal instructions there do work. Note you need to use sudo before any
> commands if installed in a system location.
> I would try the instructions above first however as manually deleting things
> from system directories 
> can be hazardous to your system.

You can clear enough to get a clean build by deleting <prefix>/<lib>/gnucash, where <prefix> is the root of the installation--the parent of bin/, etc/, <lib>/, and share/. <lib> is whatever your system calls its library directory: In the old days it was just lib/, but some systems use lib64/ and some use lib/x86_64-gnu-linux or something similar. For example, if you’re installing into $HOME/.local and lib isn’t mangled on your system,
  rm -rf $HOME/.local/lib/gnucash
will delete all of the loadable modules and precompiled guile modules so they don’t interfere with the build.

John Ralls

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