[GNC] feature request, select all on reconcille

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Fri May 18 08:12:57 EDT 2018

Op vrijdag 18 mei 2018 13:10:24 CEST schreef Dennis Powless:
> I would like to suggest a feature request.  I would be willing to learn how
> to do it if someone could point me in the right direction on how to
> accomplish this.  Would love to learn how to work with GN.  I'll give it a
> go.
> Would love to have a select all option for the account reconcile.  I have
> to un-click all the entries before I reconcile.  Have the button I can
> click would help a lot.
How about selecting one line and then clicking ctrl-A ?
That should select all of them. If you then want all of them to be reconciled, 
select ctrl-R.

I realize ctrl-A is a hidden feature. It's not in the reconcile window's 
menus. So yes, that might be an improvement.

To add it you'll need some knowledge of gtk's event model, gtk widgets, menus 
and actions, the gtkbuilder format ("glade") and how to tie callbacks to menu 
actions. The code for the reconcile dialog itself can be found in https://



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