[GNC] Editing Scheduled Transaction

Robin Chattopadhyay robinraymn at gmail.com
Sat May 19 08:12:17 EDT 2018


I experimented a bit more based on your findings.

Additional steps to recreate:

Create new SX; close GnuCash; re-open GnuCash. Edit SX template transaction.

I tried:
*Create SX; edit template. Editing allowed
*Create SX; Run SX; edit template. Editing allowed
*Create SX; Run SX; Close/re-open Gnucash. Editing NOT allowed
*Create SX; Close/re-open Gnucash. Editing NOT allowed


On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 5:42 PM DaveC49 <davidcousens at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Robin,
> I'm also using 3.1 on Mint 18.3. I have tried to duplicate your problem
> without being able to. I am able to edit the fields in the template
> transaction without any diffculty and I don't receive that error message at
> all. I can create 2 scheduled transactions and edit them both at the same
> time. If I try and edit an already open for editing transaction again it
> just brings the open window to the front.
> That message seems to indicate that you may have an instance of that
> scheduled transaction open editing in one of the account register windows
> that the scheduled transaction creates entries for at the same time as you
> are editing the scheduled transaction in the. That would likely cause a
> conflict as you could be changing the values in two places simultaneously.
> David
> -----
> David Cousens
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