[GNC] Accidentally Created .LNK file and now my entire GnuCash file is overwritten and I can't get back to work

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Sun Nov 4 04:41:48 EST 2018


You may find the information on this wiki page useful in locating where your
data is stored. I am also not a MacOS user but some of the information at
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Configuration_Locations may help
The section on USER_DATA_HOME will give you some locations where your
GnuCash data files are stored under MacOS. You should find a directory named
"gnucash" in one of those locations. It should contain files which have the
following formats
<filename>.gnucash                              the original data file
<filename>.<timestamp>.gnucash        a backup file
<filename>.<timestamp>.log                 a log file

where <filename> is substituted with the name you gave your data file when
it was created. <timestamp> gives the date-time at which the backup or log
file is created. It will look something like 20181021235717  The first 8
digits are the date in yyymmdd format and the last 6 will be the time in
hhmmss  format.

You may also find files
These are lock files. If ithey exist it will be because GnuCash exited
abnormally and they were not deleted on exit. They will cause a warning to
come up when you try to reopen the files with GnuCash.  It they exist use a
terminal application to delete them. Restart GnuCash (not by clicking on the
data file as explained in a previous post) and then use the menu File Open
command to open the <filename>.gnucash file from whichever directory/folder
it is located in.

If this does not work and you have a copy of your data file copy it to your
computer in a new folder ( keeping a  safe copy on some other media i.e. USB
stick) then open it as above using the menu File Open.

Outlook appears to beconverting your attachment into some propreitary
format. See if you can capture in in a .png or .jpg format and attach it in
that form. If you use the Nabble version of the forum
you can upload files in the message editor from the "More" menu entry to
avoid any email formatting problems.

if this doesn't work come back to the forum

David Cousens

David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html

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