[GNC] Accounting Modules

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Tue Nov 27 11:08:01 EST 2018

On 11/27/2018 1:04 AM, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> I second that you can just start with C++.  C++11 and beyond permits and
> encourages programming styles that are very different from C's.
I'd stress that encourages rather than permits, but very strong 
encouragement as being permitted to do something not useful if you don't 
know how or even if that "it" exists.

Thus while learning C (after I formally retired in 2000 -- I then 
consulted) after a discussion about whether a procedural or functional 
language I was challenged to write pure function C (rewrite one of my 
exercises). Now obviously I had to know what a "functional language" was 

If you seriously want to do so, you can write in C just as object 
oriented as if you were using C++. My (self chosen) "case problem" for 
learning C was a direct finite implementation of the 2nd Lempel-Zev 
compression algorithm. I certainly defined/created an "object" that were 
the dictionary nodes.

Michael D Novack

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