[GNC] Recurring Reconciliation Problem after Gnucash 3 upgrade

Peter Jackson pj at nurtoncourt.net
Mon Oct 1 12:06:07 EDT 2018

Dale, you are , of course, absolutely correct. Transaction matching is the answer. Issue resolved. Stupid me.

Nurton Court


Ludlow SY8 4BD

Tel: 01568 750 248 Mob: 07955 586 476
On 01/10/18 15:55:04, Dale Alspach <alspachde at gmail.com> wrote:
I would look for a different explanation.Is this a duplicate transaction? Is it a misdated transaction?
If it is not something obvious, you may need to actually match the transactions on the bank statements for the last four months to what is in gnucash.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 4:15 AM Peter Jackson <pj at nurtoncourt.net [mailto:pj at nurtoncourt.net]> wrote:

A few months ago after upgrading to Gnucash 3 on Windows 10, I noticed on several accounts that a few previously reconciled items (ie from prior months) had lost their little "y". In all cases but one, I was able to correct this the next time that I reconciled the accounts.
However, in my main bank account, I have one old item (June 1st) , that remains unreconciled. The bank balance is correct. The opening and closing balances on the statement are correct, but if I try to reconcile this item, I am out of balance, ie no zero.
This is just an irritating anomaly, because each time I reconcile, the item shows for attention. Any suggestions please...

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