[GNC] Feedback: Balance Sheet (Multi-Column) / Income Statement (Multi-Column)

Christopher Lam christopher.lck at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 10:04:40 EDT 2018

Hi Deva

Thanks for feedback.

Charts were planned but not quite finished.

Period Average is actually present in the Transaction Report. Select 
either Asset/Liability accounts, or Income/Expense accounts, (or both). 
 From sorting tab, select Primary-Key = account-name, Secondary-Key = 
date, secondary-subtotal = month, Display / Subtotal table = enabled.

You'll find monthly subtotals per account in the subtotal table.


On 12/10/18 21:19, Deva - wrote:
> Hello Christopher,
> A while ago, you posted the multi-column versions of balance sheet and income statement to this list for beta testing.
> Recently, my son started college and he was “voluntold” to use GnuCash and share the datafile with me for monthly analysis. These 2 reports you published are coming in handy because that’s just the information I need to help with tracking his assets/expenses, month after month.
> Comments
> Both reports have a check box for “Enable charts” in the report options dialog. I’m guessing this is work in progress because I don’t see any charting when this option is enabled.
> Income Statement has a nice option wherein I can ask for “Period Totals” as a summary column at the end. I know “Period Totals” doesn’t make sense for the balance sheet version, but I was wondering if you can show “Period Average” instead, in the balance sheet report. While I can see how my son's financial standing is changing by looking at his assets month after month, it will be nice to know what is needed on a monthly average basis, so I can plan for next year’s funding accordingly. It will also help me analyse which month’s he is going over/under average.
> Otherwise, the reports look pretty good. Thanks for sharing.
> Cheers.
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