[GNC] Exporting and Importing CSV Transactions from One Book to Another

Scales Office scalesnatureparkoffice at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 13:33:29 EDT 2018

Hi I have a question about GnuCash's export and import function. I am
trying to import CSV transactions from one book to another. I researched
the same question on google and found a helpful response that said to
update to GnuCash 3.1 or higher and I have updated to 3.3 but after
following all of the instructions to export with "semicolon" separators and
"quotes" marked, I selected everything correctly (or so I thought) but it
seems despite all of the lines not being highlighted in red, it let me
continue to import but wouldn't load or actually continue. I thought maybe
it was just a lot to load so I waited a long time but it didn't work and I
tried multiple times.

Would you be able to give me a step by step how to for exporting and
importing transactions from one book to another?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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