[GNC] Exporting and Importing CSV Transactions from One Book to Another

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Mon Oct 15 17:10:00 EDT 2018


You should export with the default conditions, i.e. only comma separated in the first panel and make sure the file is
labelled with a csv extension. 

When importing, after selecting the file to import in the second panel in the "Load and Save Settings" box select the
"GnuCash  Export Settings" from the drop down list.  Check the data format is correct for your data, Select the number
of lines to skip (usually 1) for the headers in the file. Match the column names to the header names of the exported
file. You will need to select deposit for the column labelled Amount with SYm in the exported file and select the Full
Account Name column for Account and not set the Transaction ID, i.e None. When you get to the Transaction Match page
correct any lines which do not have the correct trnsfer account specified ( or have Imbalance specified as the transfer
account then   press import. If your accounts are tyhe same in both books it should be imported.

Unfortunately the importer has changed considerably in V3 so the previous instructions are not valid. Thjey have been
rewritten but have not yet been updated in the documentation.

David Cousens

On Mon, 2018-10-15 at 13:33 -0400, Scales Office wrote:
> Hi I have a question about GnuCash's export and import function. I am
> trying to import CSV transactions from one book to another. I researched
> the same question on google and found a helpful response that said to
> update to GnuCash 3.1 or higher and I have updated to 3.3 but after
> following all of the instructions to export with "semicolon" separators and
> "quotes" marked, I selected everything correctly (or so I thought) but it
> seems despite all of the lines not being highlighted in red, it let me
> continue to import but wouldn't load or actually continue. I thought maybe
> it was just a lot to load so I waited a long time but it didn't work and I
> tried multiple times.
> Would you be able to give me a step by step how to for exporting and
> importing transactions from one book to another?
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> Melissa
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