[GNC] Size of Windows, tabs, Fonts, etc Twice as big in 3.3 vs 3.2

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Oct 19 17:25:01 EDT 2018

Create a file using Text Edit.app and put this in it:

* {
  font-size: 12px;

Use Format > Make Plain Text to convert it to plain text, then save it as “gtk-3.0.css” and put it in “/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Gnucash”

This will cause the entire app to have a text size similar to the default for your Mac.

Note, this and more customizations are documented on the wiki. Check the FAQ in the Configuring & Customizing section. There you will find links to CSS and GTK3 pages detailing your options.

If Geert & John are reading this: was this a change to accommodate retina scaling or is this a bug?


> On Oct 19, 2018, at 3:21 PM, DenverJim <jim at jimmie.net> wrote:
> Hi.  This a more annoying issue than anything else.  When i upgraded to 3.3,
> the entire GUI, along with everything else, is much larger.  I used to be
> able to see everything i needed on my screen, but now have to scroll the app
> horizontally to see everything.  Font sizes are much bigger, Tabs widths
> bigger, entire width of the overall guy is wider.  
> I've looked at preferences and read help manual, but see nothing about how
> to resize everything back the way it was in 3.2.  
> Any help appreciated.  
> Running 3.3 on MacOs High Sierra on MBP.
> Thanks,
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