[GNC] What is a 'pre-paymnet' and how do I remove it?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Sep 1 10:01:15 EDT 2018

Right-click the transaction in your checking register and choose “Edit Payment” or “Assign as Payment” (depending on if it was already assigned at one time or not)

Then select both the payment and the invoice it should apply to and save the result.

Pre-payments happen when you process a payment and don’t assign it to an invoice. They can also happen when you unpost an invoice that is already paid and GnuCash doesn’t manage to reapply the payment when you repost the invoice. (not usual, but it does happen)


> On Sep 1, 2018, at 8:32 AM, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>  GC-3.2 installed here.
>  Last Moday I sent an invoice to a client and entered it, posted to A/R.
> Yesterday I recieved payment and entered the check, posting it to checking
> account.
>  Today I open GC and find a messag that that client had two 'pre-payments'
> (now down to one for some reason). When I select that client and tell GC to
> process the payment it wants to issue a refund.
>  How does a 'pre-payment' appear and how do I clear it?
> Curious mind wants to know,
> Rich
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