[GNC] A feature request for next release

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Sun Sep 2 15:04:24 EDT 2018

Op zondag 2 september 2018 20:49:22 CEST schreef Rich Shepard:
> On Sun, 2 Sep 2018, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > As for the specific suggestion of text only tool bar buttons, this used to
> > be one of such user tweaks. Unfortunately gtk (the gui toolkit we depend
> > on) dropped this option. You could consider this a bug, but that would
> > make it a gtk bug. I don't want gnucash to become more complicated just to
> > work around it.
> Geert,
>    Yes, I remember this from many years ago. I'll consider asking the GTK
> folks to add it back.
> > Having said all that, I also think our UI is desperately in need of some
> > serious review and improvement. It's more than 20 years old and a lot has
> > changed in terms of computer interaction in that time. That is a project
> > on its own though which may or may not be started for gnucash 4.x.
>    My perspective on application UI is that function should preceed form.
> The UI should facilitate using the tool, and being 'pretty' should be a
> much lower priority as that's in the eye of the user.
Agreed completely and more or less the basic idea underpinning the motivation 
I gave. If you read the Gnome human interface guidelines (which I was alluding 
at in "toolkit's defaults and guidelines") they are also very much focused on 
function, not on 'pretty'.


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