[GNC] QIF import is empty

Jeff Abrahamson jeff at p27.eu
Sun Sep 30 02:37:10 EDT 2018

It looks like my QIF was slightly invalid.  Playing about with the
gnucash android app and asking it to send me a qif transaction, I came
up with this, which works:

    ASSIMILES:512_Banques:5121_Comptes en monnaie
    nationale:51215_Comptes online:512151_Helloasso
    PSomething yummy
    MThis is a note
    S6_CHARGES:62_AUTRES SERVICES EXTERIEURS:625_Déplacements, missions
    et réceptions:6251_Voyages et déplacements:62511_Voyages,
    Déplacements sportifs, Stages du club)

Notably, I needed to use full hierarchical names and add an N field to
the !account section (rather than !Account:<account-name>).  Or at
least, this worked, I'm not fully certain my explanation is correct.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 29/09/18 16:03, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> I've written a short python script that writes a qif file.  I'm using
> gnucash 2.6.19 from ubuntu 18.04.1.  I want to import the qif file.
>     !Type:Bank
>     !Account:512151_Helloasso
>     D05/10/2017
>     T60.0
>     NHA-20171005-30
>     PDescription here
>     S7061_Participation rameurs aux déplacements et stages
>     $60.0
>     EPAF (someone at somewhere.fr)
>     ^
>     D05/10/2017
>     T40.0
>     NHA-20171005-29
>     PCDescription here
>     S7061_Participation rameurs aux déplacements et stages
>     $40.0
>     EPAF (someone_else at somewhere_else.com)
>     ^
> I found that I needed to rename the output file to be the name of the
> account to which I'm importing it, despite the second line (the account
> name) and despite having that account window open, otherwise I got this
> error:
>     /The QIF file you have loaded appears to have transactions for just //one account, but the file does not specify a name for that account /
> Strange, but fine.  Now, though, when the qif importer gets to the
> "accounts found" dialog, it doesn't show any accounts and no
> transactions are imported.
> In my particular case here, the transactions are very homogeneous: all
> of them credit 7061 and all of them debit 512151.
> Any suggestions why I'm seeing neither an error nor importing transactions?
> Thanks in advance.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255


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