[GNC] Proposed change of "U+R" and "R" in the Import main matcher.

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Wed Aug 7 03:41:39 EDT 2019

Op woensdag 7 augustus 2019 04:41:02 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Just curious here,
> So, if a user has years (decades even) of historical transactions that have
> already long ago been officially reconciled, the GnuCash importer does not
> offer the option of importing this historical data as reconciled but only
> ‘cleared’?
> Thus, someone coming to GnuCash and wanting to import historical records for
> continuity (taking advantage of reporting that GnuCash offers which other
> software may not) the user has to re-reconcile each and every period for
> their entire historical import? Really?
Yes and no.

The csv import can import reconciliation info so in principle you could import 
reconciled transactions.

For the other importers, this isn't implemented. The idea is that you 
typically import from bank statements in qif/ofx/csv format and banks don't 
have reconcilation information. The other acounting application I use can also 
import bank statements, but won't reconcile them either.

Note that correctly imported data is very easy to reconcile: You can just run 
a reconcile once at the date of the last imported transaction. The reconcile 
process will automatically select each cleared transaction (split actually) 
for reconciliation. So assuming there were no errors in the import process, 
the user could simply complete the reconciliation by clicking the finish 



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