[GNC] Total Debt/Credit in Register Report

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sat Dec 28 09:54:11 EST 2019

On 12/28/2019 2:06 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> Please provide an exact example of what you mean, then we should be able to
> explain the discrepancy.
> Also tell us which version of the software you are using and on what
> operating system.
> Colin

Multiple debits and credits in a transaction? That would be a split 
transaction, yes? So in addition to telling us what version and OS, tell 
us that you have checked the special account Imbalance and there is 
nothing there << if there are entries in Imbalance, you did not assign 
accounts for all of the debits and credits>>

Michael D Novack

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