[GNC] Accounting for gold coins

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Thu Feb 28 10:28:14 EST 2019

On 2/28/2019 10:01 AM, Gary Holtum wrote:
> Adrien,
> Thank you for the detailed response. I will work on the steps you describe but I am beginning to think GnuCash is not suited for providing the data I would like. Maybe an Excel spreadsheet would be easier. Thanks again for your expertise.
> Gary
  The suggestions that have been made to you were based on the 
assumption "automatic calculation". Since manual would more or less be 
your situation using a spreadsheet, you should compare THAT to using 
manual processing in gnucash.

There would be nothing special about accounting for a fixed asset that 
just happened to be gold bars compared to a fixed asset that was an 
antique car (that you periodically remarked "to market"). Notice that 
this is what you would have to do if the gold or silver coin that had 
value OTHER than just as bullion. Or "stones".

Michael D Novack

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