[GNC] Cash Account Question

Christian Kluge frakturfreak at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 03:40:46 EST 2019

Am 24.01.2019 um 01:32 schrieb Michael or Penny Novack:
> On 1/23/2019 10:25 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> Yep, I’m one of those. I track every expense, entered from *where* I
>> spent the funds. So if the money was the green folding kind (or coin)
>> out of my wallet or pocket, I have an account for that. If I move
>> money to/from my wallet, I track that too. And I routinely reconcile
>> the amount. (no report of course to use, just a verification of the
>> amount on hand when I do it.) But I do all of that because I’m part of
>> the ‘un-banked’.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
> Even people who ARE "banked" might have to do this. For example, were
> they in an environment where lots of their transactions had to be in
> cash. Not just a matter if THEY are "banked" but if the other people
> they are interacting with are.

I personally also track every transaction with every payment method and
also transactions of money between them.

It might also have something to do, that I also do this at my job, where
the requirements of tracking cash transactions are very strict due to
rules set by the financial authorities. If you don’t track your cash
right, they can estimate your sales.

I can’t understand why you wouldn’t track your cash payments. Either
track everything or nothing at all.

Kind regards

Christian Kluge

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