[GNC] PDF export of reports

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 18:40:11 EST 2019

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 2:57 PM Raimund Strehl <raimund.strehl at novamar.de>

> PDF export has a flaw.
> I have tested this on several Windows 10 machines on Gnucash 2.6 and
> 3.2/3.4.
> Reports export fine to PDF, but at page transitions it can happen, that a
> line of text gets cut in half.
> First half is on the end of one page and other half is at the start of
> next page.
> This seems to happen independently of page size settings. If the lines in
> the report /e.g. general ledger report by chance match with the space
> available on the page it looks fine on that page,
> but on the next page it can run into the problem.

> Any ideas for a solution or a workaround??
> As it is now, I have to export as HTML, import in Excel and then print a
> useable PDF with clean page transitions

This is a known bug, and the good news is you already know the workaround!
(Export as HTML, open the report in a web browser or some other program and
print to PDF from there.) You'll find that it probably also affects reports
sent to a printer.

I believe the bug has been addressed in NON-Windows versions of GnuCash,
but still affects Windows due to an outdated software "library" outside the
control of GnuCash developers.

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