[GNC] Import Price from CSV Bug? (Robin Chattopadhyay)

Art Chimes artsonline at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 16:53:45 EDT 2019

I have a similar experience since moving to ver. 3.6 on Windows 10.

In the past I have had no issues importing, unchanged, a csv file
downloaded from Yahoo Finance. There are columns for "Symbol,Current
Price,Date" plus some other unneeded ones for High,Low,Volume, etc.

It takes just moments to assign those columns in the price import
tool, and add USD as my currency. Done. (Even quicker if I save the
configuration, which I did just in time for the new Namespace
requirement to undo my time-saving efforts.) No Namespace info was
requested or needed.

The example on the opening screen of the import tool suggests that
"Namespace" refers to the type of security: FUND (mutual fund), NYSE
(stock traded on the New York exchange), etc.

I did some trial-and-error and also AMEX is the Namespace for ETF
securities. These entries seem to be case-sensitive, and the Namespace
for a given symbol seemingly must match the "Type" entered when you
first created the security, or edited it. (Confusingly, the same
information — FUND, NASDAQ, etc — is called "Type" in the security
record but is called "Namespace" in the price-import tool, at least in
3.6 on Win 10.)

Why is this change necessary? Was there an issue for some users? I had
no problems before Namespace was introduced?  Will the program
remember my Namespace selection, or will have have to manually edit
the csv file each week, when I update my prices?

Can anyone find where the procedure is documented?

Thank you,

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Robin Chattopadhyay <robinraymn at gmail.com>
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2019 12:52:21 -0500
> Subject: [GNC] Import Price from CSV Bug?
> Hi all-
> I have been using the Import Price from CSV function successfully up
> through and including v3.5 (both Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint 19).
> I have set my input file/mapping to:
>    - CUSIP --> Commodity From
>    - Shares --> None
>    - Market Value --> None
>    - Price --> Amount
>    - Date --> Date
>    - Commodity From --> {blank}
>    - Currency To --> USD
> After upgrading to 3.6, the saved mapping looks like this:
>    - CUSIP --> None
>    - Shares --> None
>    - Market Value --> Amount
>    - Price --> Date
>    - Date --> None
>    - Commodity From --> {blank}
>    - Currency To --> USD
> In addition, after re-setting the mapping, I am still left with an error
> message: "Please select a 'From Namespace' column or set a Commodity in the
> 'Commodity From' field."
> I didn't see anything in the Release Notes that jumped out as being
> relevant, so I'm not sure how to proceed here. I can update the CSV as I am
> creating it using a bash script to extract from the OFX file from my
> financial institution, but - again - not sure what to update it to.
> I really value the CSV price import because none of the assets in this file
> are publicly available.
> Thanks,
> Robin

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