[GNC] gnucash 3.6 -- reports -- "URL cannot be shown" - SOLVED

Harry G McGavran Jr w5pny at w5pny.com
Sun Jul 7 20:11:18 EDT 2019


"README.dependencies" for gnucash states:

 webkit                webkitgtk-3.0 (Windows, Mac)
                       webkit2gtk-3.0 (Everything Else)

For Ubuntu Xenial, this is clearly wrong.
webkit2gtk-4.0 is what is needed.

On 7/7/19 4:15 PM, Harry G McGavran Jr wrote:
> I had both libwebkit2gtk-3.0 and libwebkit2gkt-4.0 installed,
> as well as libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev.
> I just noticed that libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev was NOT installed.
> So, I installed libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev and rebuilt gnucash 3.6 from
> scratch.  That seems to have fixed it. For some reason in reading the
> docs, I thought I only needed libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev version for gnucash.
> That's obviously wrong.
> At least its now fixed.
> Loads of thanks to Adrien and Geert for helping me focus
> on webkit2 as the likely culprit!

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