[GNC] Custom reports don't survive upgrade to v3

Macho Philipovich macho.p at riseup.net
Sat Jul 13 11:58:47 EDT 2019

Thanks to Christopher, Geert, and David for your responses last week.

Based on the information you provided, I've been able to begin to sort
out the changes with 3.x.

I was able to restore my custom fork of the Tax Invoice.

But I'm still working at restoring a custom .scm I had forked off of the
Transaction report.

When I start to work based off of the file
/usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm I
seem to get the Reconciliation Report, which is not what I want. Is
there any easy way to copy transaction.scm to ~/.config/gnucash and have
it act like the Transaction Report instead?

If I understand correctly, they both inherit from the General Ledger,
but I don't want to work based on its file, from that low a level either.

I'm hoping that from there I can recreate my previous custom changes in
the 3.x version of the report, and document those changes well in case
further upgrade require this again.

Thanks so much!


On 2019-07-03 7:41 a.m., Christopher Lam wrote:
> Hi Macho
> There were API changes between 2.x and 3.x, and there'll be further
> ones from 3.x and 4.x
> Perhaps you'd be kind to post your custom .scm files on bugzilla, and
> the stack traces?
> On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 01:50, Macho Philipovich <macho.p at riseup.net
> <mailto:macho.p at riseup.net>> wrote:
>     Dear gnucash users,
>     I decided to upgrade from the long-term support version of Ubuntu
>     to the
>     current stable version this weekend.
>     This change, I would later learn, entailed upgrading gnucash from
>     v2.6.19 to v3.4.
>     The upgrade went fine, except that none of my four or five custom
>     reports work any more.
>     They mostly don't give any helpful error information but just show:
>         *Report error*
>         An error occurred while running the report.
>     One of the reports does, however, give some sort of stack trace,
>     though
>     it's not terribly instructive either.
>     It's been quite a while since I've looked at any of this, so revisions
>     currently feel a bit daunting, but I do rely significantly on these
>     custom reports.
>     If anyone could point me to any resources on the changes to the
>     reports
>     API since v2 and to any debugging resources, it would also be greatly
>     appreciated.
>     The reports are my own creations, except that one is an extremely
>     helpful year-to-date budget report that Phil Longstaff (in cc)
>     provided
>     me some time ago over this list in a file he called ytd-budget.scm.
>     Phil, if by chance you've revised your report, I'd greatly
>     appreciate a
>     copy. And I would very much +1 this report becoming part of the
>     standard
>     reports provided within gnucash.
>     Many thanks,
>     Macho
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