[GNC] Help: Issue with Accounts Receivable Accounts

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Jun 24 18:20:29 EDT 2019

Oops, went to fast, forgot to reply to list. (it can happen to anyone I suppose)


> On Jun 24, 2019, at 5:19 PM, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
> Thanks Joe, I forgot about the customer also having a currency. Good find!
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jun 24, 2019, at 5:18 PM, Joe Tec <joetec.slu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Adrien, 
>> Unfortunately, your suggestion didn't work, but it did set me on a path to work with. Turns out, when I created the new customer, I also had to set the XCD currency in their Billing Information. Did that and we are back to work. Hope this helps someone out who also has this issue.
>> Thank you for taking the time out to help.
>> Really Appreciate it.
>> On Mon, 24 Jun 2019, 5:45 pm Adrien Monteleone, <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
>> Sorry, I forgot to mention also checking to make sure that AR account hasn’t been set as a ‘placeholder’ by change. That would prevent you from entering transactions to it.
>> Also, are you sure the invoice you are trying to post is entirely in XCD? Double-check your Sales Tax table entries as well. Those can be set to a ‘value’ instead of % and an entry might be in the wrong currency.
>> Other than that, I can’t think of anything else at the moment. Maybe someone else will chime in.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Jun 24, 2019, at 4:01 PM, Joe Tec <joetec.slu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes. Still no success.
>>> On Mon, 24 Jun 2019, 5:00 pm Adrien Monteleone, <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
>>> Did you check the currency assigned to the AR account? (use the Edit button on the toolbar from the CoA tab) That would also need to match.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>>>> On Jun 24, 2019, at 12:05 PM, Office Manager <joetec.slu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Good day,
>>>> Currently using gnucash 2.6.15 from Debian stable repositories.
>>>> Up to today, we have been able to post all our invoices to the Accounts Receivable Accounts without any issues.
>>>> Today, however, there is a request to create a new Accounts Receivable Account.
>>>> Currently, the Accounts Receivable Account is in under the Assets Tree, where it should be according to the Manual.
>>>> When researching this issue, we found that there may have been some discrepancies in relation to the OS locale currency as a result of an update. This fix was dated to the year 2005.
>>>> When we visited the Preferences page, we noticed that our standard currency XCD (Eastern Caribbean Dollars) was changed to US Dollars.
>>>> We have set all possible option back to XC Dollars, but still have no access to posting into our Accounts Receivable Account. We do welcome any suggestions or fixes.
>>>> Thank You.
>>>> Aidian Joseph
>>>> Operations Manager
>>>> Joe Tec Incorporated

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