[GNC] Uninstall GC

Dennis Powless dpowless517 at pobox.com
Thu Mar 7 11:55:33 EST 2019

-do I NEED to uninstall Gnucash?
If so....

I installed 3.1 from source, I now am trying to upgrade to 3.4.  On 18.04

I have on my home directory....
dennis at dennis-XPS-8500:~/Applications$ ls
build-gnucash-3.1  gnucash-3.1

Output from whereis gnucash

I used
Do I navigate to that location and run    make uninstall    ?

dennis at dennis-XPS-8500:~$ sudo apt list --installed | grep gnucash
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in

sudo apt-get remove --purge gnucash
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package 'gnucash' is not installed, so not removed

sudo apt-get remove --purge gnucash
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package 'gnucash' is not installed, so not removed


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