[GNC] GnuCash v2.6.19-1 has started freezing on Ubuntu 18.04 after a recent system update

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Thu Oct 17 15:49:26 EDT 2019

> On Oct 17, 2019 w42d290, at 2:18 PM, Parke <parke.nexus at gmail.com> wrote:
> I actually use both htop and top.
> I believe the most recent freeze happened when there was at least 1GB
> of free RAM (and probably at least 4GB free, I forget exactly).
> I was mostly puzzled by the output of free:
> $ free -h
>              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
> Mem:            15G        4.2G        9.5G         35M        1.9G         11G
> Swap:            0B          0B          0B
> Something is using 2.3G of RAM.  (4.2G - 1.9G = 2.3G).  What?  No
> running process is using that much RAM.  And it is not "buff/cache".
> I either need a better understanding of the information free displays,
> or I need a tool that describes memory usage in more detail.


`man free`

So that math is not quite right.

Used = total - free - buff/cache

I see from your numbers those are a bit off and that it seems to be reporting in SI units instead of the default binary units. (did you set up an alias for `free`?) By default, `free` should report in binary which would use a “Gi” unit label in your case. (Mebi, Gibi, etc.) You can force it with a `-g` option

But try `free` without `-h` so you see the output in bytes and do the above equation by hand. You should see every byte is accounted for.

So the bottom line is that “available" is what you can use to execute a *new* app that isn’t currently running. (without using swap, which you don’t have) 11G is more than plenty for GnuCash.

Do you get any errors or warnings when running GnuCash from the command line?

Did you manage to examine the tracefile after a crash/hang?


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