[GNC] Can not insert text on transaction after import QIF

dmeece dmeece12 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 18:19:41 EDT 2019

After a huge effort to install Gnucash 3.7 on a Win 10 machine and then on a
production build (no errors- all dependencies met) of Gnucash 3.7 from
tarball on a Linux box, I failed to get a working program.  I was able to
load GnuCash3.7 in the Win 10 box with Qif files that numbered over a
thousand transactions after failing with the "new" csv importer - the csv
could not handle liabilities/credit cards and, it seems that anything over
ten (US) bank transactions, it blows up. Anyway, after getting the files
into the Win 10 adaption and seemingly working, now, by moving the .gnucash
file over to the Linux build I find myself not being able to work with the
transactions at all.  I click on a line to insert text, say a note line or
action or even the description line, the program just closes, bye bye,
lights out. There seems to be some type of text box that highlights when
clicked, but any further touches - bye! Restart, same situation, can't touch
it - yet in the Win 10 I seem to be OK.  Any ideas here??

I only use the Win 10 machine to handle the Excel/CSV Construction for the
file import and QIF from there.  This is a long convoluted route I've been
using over the years - I've only been able to work with QIF, not QFX,
aqbanking,etc, none of it.
The Linux box is my production machine set on Linuxmint 19.2.  Proofing this
accounting on the Win 10 machine is a real pain.


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