[GNC] Copy Scheduled Transaction

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Apr 6 12:20:49 EDT 2020

Yes, they’ll be reordered. Technically, they’re all related to each other anyway. If a single real world event happens, recording it in various pairs of debits and credits is just an artificial division. A case can be made that it really is a single transaction.

If one really needs to see the debits and credits in pairs, you could use some sort of tagging or prefix system in the memo field, or use the Action field of each if not otherwise needed.

So you could have something like:

Action	Memo		Account	Debit	Credit
A	Something	xxx	100
B	Else		yyy	50
A	Another		zzz		100
B	Thing		aaa		50


> On Apr 6, 2020 w15d97, at 10:40 AM, Stan Brown <the_stan_brown at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On 2020-04-06 07:20, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> You can have as many splits as you like. (I’m sure there is a limit, but I haven’t found it)
>> You don’t need to have 5 separate transactions unless they need to fire on 5 different dates. You can combine all of the splits into a single transaction.
> But then doesn't that mean that GnuCash will reorder the splits of the
> combined transaction to put all debits first and all credits last? From
> a human perspective, that would make it hard to see which splits are
> related together in one of the original 5 transactions.
> Or is there a way to override GnuCash's reordering and specify a desired
> order for the splits in one transaction?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Stan Brown

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