[GNC] What is Unrealized Losses/Gain in Balance Sheet Report ?

Long Phamhoanglongvn at outlook.com
Wed Apr 8 10:06:45 EDT 2020

Hello Adrien Monteleone-2,

I just want to make it easy. So, everytime i buy $ from bank, i will record
it, and when i sell it (which mean i transfer $ to VND in real life) i just
transfer money from USD Bank to VND Bank in GnuCash.

And the Rate of the money in GnuCash, i will change it when $ rate changed (
i knew that gnucash has auto for this, but i don't use).

So, i don't need to do anything more, just transfer money between my Bank
(like in my real life do). And the Balance Sheet Report will show me
something about unrealized Gain and Lost, i will leave it, Don't need to do
anything, right ? 

Sorry, i'm not an accounting, that why normal words are easier to understand
for me. And sorry for my bad english.


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