[GNC] Gnucash 3.9

Jürgen Jatzkowski jjatzkowski at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 13 05:44:04 EDT 2020


happy easter holidays and sorry for my late answer.

I changed as you recommended and the report is working like a charm again.

Thanks a lot!


Am So., 5. Apr. 2020 um 13:47 Uhr schrieb Christopher Lam <
christopher.lck at gmail.com>:

> Apologies for this bug. If you are able please modify eguile-utilities.scm
> within the GnuCash.app and modify the following line:
> From: ((_ x . _) x)
> To:   ((_ x . y) x)
> On Sat, 4 Apr 2020 at 14:39, Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Please file a bug on bugs.gnucash.org
>> Meanwhile the (Experimental) Multicolumn Balance Sheet is likely to be
>> very capable of generating a useful report.
>> On Sat, 4 Apr 2020 at 13:28, jjatzkowski <jjatzkowski at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I just upgraded to GnuCash 3.9 on (MacOS; Catalina 10.15.3).
>>> Version: 3.9
>>> Build ID: 3.9+(2020-03-28)
>>> Unfortunately the eguile report (in menu "Berichte/Aktiva&Passiva/Bilanz
>>> mit
>>> eguile)  doesn't work any longer and throws an error which you can see
>>> below.
>>> Question: is this something which is known - I couldn't find any hints on
>>> this?
>>> Help is really highly appreciated :)
>>> ============================================
>>> Bilanz (mit »eguile«) 31.12.2020
>>> Fehler aufgetreten beim Verarbeiten der Vorlage:
>>> In c-interface.scm:
>>>     64:23 19 (gnc:backtrace-if-exception _ . _)
>>>      22:4 18 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
>>> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>>>     829:9 17 (catch _ _ #<procedure 1123c8da0 at c-interface.scm:28…> …)
>>> In c-interface.scm:
>>>     26:40 16 (_)
>>> In report.scm:
>>>    780:24 15 (_)
>>>    756:25 14 (gnc:report-render-html #<<report> type: 2e3751edeb754…> …)
>>> In balsheet-eg.scm:
>>>    611:15 13 (balsheet-renderer _)
>>> In ice-9/ports.scm:
>>>     550:4 12 (call-with-output-string _)
>>>     474:4 11 (with-output-to-port _ _)
>>>     470:4 10 (with-input-from-port _ _)
>>> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>>>     829:9  9 (catch _ _ #<procedure error-handler (key subr message…> …)
>>> In eguile-gnc.scm:
>>>     189:8  8 (eval-input)
>>> In ice-9/eval.scm:
>>>     619:8  7 (_ #(#(#(#(#<directory (gnucash report balshe…>) …) …) …))
>>>     619:8  6 (_ #(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(…) …) …) …) …) …) …) …) …) …) …))
>>> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>>>    260:13  5 (for-each #<procedure 11177cc20 at ice-9/eval.scm:333:…> …)
>>> In ice-9/eval.scm:
>>>     619:8  4 (_ #(#(#(#<directory (gnucash report balsheet-…> …) …) …))
>>>     619:8  3 (_ #(#(#(#<directory (gnucash report balsheet-eg…>) …) …))
>>> In eguile-html-utilities.scm:
>>>     56:11  2 (empty-cells _)
>>>     41:15  1 (string-repeat _ _)
>>> In unknown file:
>>>            0 (make-list -1 "    ")
>>> Value out of range 0 to 4294967295: -1
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>>> http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
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juergen jatzkowski
jjatzkowski at googlemail.com

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