[GNC] Flatpak settings folder

Manfred Usselmann manfred at usselmann.de
Wed Apr 22 09:49:36 EDT 2020

Hi Geert, 

Am 22.04.2020 12:29, schrieb Geert Janssens:


> Op woensdag 22 april 2020 11:49:25 CEST schreef Manfred Usselmann: 
>>> I have added these two locations to our Configuration Locations wiki page 
>>> now. https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Configuration_Locations 
>> This wiki page is looking quite complex. Currently I'm sharing the 
>> following folders from my home dir: 
>> ".aqbanking" ".gnucash" ".abtransfers" ".local/share/gnucash" 
>> ".gconf/apps/gnucash" ".config/gnucash" 
>> Does that look right for a standard Linux installation (without flatpak) 
>> or am I missing something? 
> There is a dedicated wiki entry on backing up [1]. The Configuration Locations page is meant as an overview for other pages to refer to. 
> As for the list of directories: 
> - .gconf/apps/gnucash is obsolete, unless you are still running GnuCash 2.4.x 
> - .gnucash is only used by gnucash 2.6.x and older.

OK, I just added new folders over the years, but since I'm running 3.10
now, I reckon I could do some cleanup. ;-) 

> - if you are using gnucash 2.6.x or more recent you are currently not backing up your user preferences (the ones found under Edit->Preferences). See the backup wiki for more details.

Yes, I noticed that I was missing something since some preferences did
not get copied across, but I did not find additional information on the
Configuration Locations page... So your hint to the backup page was very
useful for me. 

I assume in order to keep the settings in sync I need to create a
GnuCash start script which does the following 

- restores settings: dconf load /org/gnucash/ < somefile on shared

- calls gnucash 

- saves settings: dconf dump /org/gnucash/ > somefile on shared folder 

Thanks for helping. 


> [1] https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Backup

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