[GNC] Counters have stopped incrementing in recent versions of GC

gnucash.dgr9z at ncf.ca gnucash.dgr9z at ncf.ca
Tue Apr 28 06:11:57 EDT 2020

I had created a ticket about a year ago when new counter formats would not save in 3.4. That issue was resolved. The problem here is that they no longer increment in 3.10 in my working file (XML format). However, I did test this on a new file using 3.10 and it worked as expected in that context, so I assume some corruption in my working file.

Let me know if this is still something you want a bug report for, or there is some fix I can try at my end.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrien Monteleone" <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net>
To: "gnucash-user" <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:24:52 PM
Subject: Re: [GNC] Counters have stopped incrementing in recent versions of GC

I seem to recall seeing a bug on this, but you might want to check Bugzilla to be sure. If it isn’t there, please file one. The counters should increment on using the ’New’ or ‘Duplicate’ functions.


> On Apr 27, 2020 w18d118, at 6:37 AM, gnucash.dgr9z at ncf.ca wrote:
> Hello,
> I use the counters feature for invoices and bills. The behaviour I am used to is that cloning or creating a new bill/invoice auto increments the number:
> I-00296 > I-00297
> B-00179 > B-00180
> etc. 
> I updated to GC 3.10 recently. These numbers no longer increment; for example cloning I-00296 results in a new invoice with the same number. I reverted to 3.9 but the behaviour persists.
> Has anyone experienced the same problem? Is there a known procedure to get it working again?
> Thanks,
> Ron

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