[GNC] Matcher for qfx files

David Reiser dbreiser at icloud.com
Sun Aug 2 22:18:44 EDT 2020

It at least uses the <ACCTID>, which is matched via the outside-account-to-gnucash-account list. And imports of multiple TIAA contracts containing multiple instances of the same fund do work correctly if the links are set up correctly. I’m currently using gnucash 4.1, but I don’t recall problems with 3.8 specifically. There was one version where changes in the matcher resulted in requests to re-establish links to the various TIAA accounts and funds.

I frequently have to undo my choices when I get one of those dialogs because I’m not careful enough at reading the exact language at the top of the dialog. I haven’t made many changes lately, but I think you’ll get a request to identify a security, but that usually also includes a statement about which TIAA contract is involved. Then (? hmm, not sure of the order…) it’ll ask you for a gnucash account to associate with a specific TIAA contract. Somewhere along the way, there’s a question about which account to associate income from the various contracts and/or funds. Most of that used to get rolled up inside the TIAA/CREF funds, but now at least one of our contracts splits out a special fee/credit that is something like the net difference between dividends and fees for several of the funds.

If your employer hasn’t done an administrative change that would kick some extra transactions into your ofx stream (and there appears to be a lot of pressure from somewhere to do that), then having gnucash ask for additional matching info is a bit strange. One other possibility is that your employer’s plan has qualified for a better version of the same fund you’ve had for a while (R3 vs R2 fee levels, higher digit is lower fees). One example is CREF stock R3 (QCSTIX in public symbol world) vs CREF stock R2 (QCSTPX).

Since there have been a few import transaction matcher changes lately, I’d recommend giving gnucash version 4.1 a try if you can. I’m unfamiliar with the version availability in the linux prepackaged realm.
Dave Reiser
dbreiser at icloud.com

> On Aug 2, 2020, at 1:53 PM, Dale Alspach <alspachde at gmail.com> wrote:
> When importing a .qfx file does the matcher use the tags  <BROKERID> and
> The issue is that I download transactions from TIAA which are from multiple
> accounts but are in the same download. There are some mutual funds which
> are held in more than one account.
> I recently upgraded to gnucash 3.8. I started to do an import in gnucash
> 3.8 (linux mint 20) and was asked to match a fund to an account but was
> only given the cusip number. which refers to a security which could be in
> any one of 3 gnucash accounts.
> If I recall correctly older versions of gnucash gave the name of the fund
> and the TIAA contract number.
> Dale

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