[GNC] Account Currency Screwed Up Again!
rsbrux at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 10 08:21:38 EST 2020
Many thanks to both of you for your suggestions!
The accounts in question already had the correct currency (AUD)
assigned. The accounts in question are a foreign currency account in
AUD, three accounts for AUD-denominated securities (which I bought/sold
in the above-mentioned foreign currency account), various expense
accounts in AUD and an income account in AUD for interest. The
transactions between the foreign currency account and the expense
accounts were recoreded in AUD as expected. All other transactions were
recorded with CHF exchange rates, although no currency conversions were
called for. The prices of two of the three securities were also
recorded in CHF. SInce the GC UI shows all accounts in AUD (except for
the securities accounts, which IIRC, do not have a currency) it was
unclear to me which account(s) I should duplicate.
My default currency is CHF; I live in Switzerland. Trading accounts are
turned on. I have tried to fix this in the XML based on the information
you provided. I tried to look up more information about the file
structure, but the guide
<https://www.gnucash.org/viewdoc.phtml?rev=2.6&lang=C&doc=guide> wasn't
much help, and the wiki <https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/> appears to be down.
IAC, I edited the price records for the two securities which had
incorrect price currencies, as well as all transactions which refenenced
any of the three securities accounts, changing the currencies from CHF
to AUD. This appears to have fixed the problems, but I am keeping a
couple of pre-edit backups, as you recommend.
Am I the only one to encounter problems like this?
SInce the problem seems to have been with the (implicitly determined)
currencies of the prices and the transactions, would it be possible to
add an option to the price editor dialog for each price and to the
exchange rate editor for each transaction to change or select the
currency? From what I have learned about the data structure, this looks
like the easiest way to provide a less dangerous way to fix such problems.
> Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 10:31:58 -0600
> From: Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net>
> To: Gnucash Users <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Account Currency Screwed Up Again!
> Message-ID: <821D9637-24EE-4C33-A1BF-792FE55E893C at lusfiber.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Would creating a new duplicate account with the proper assigned currency, then deleting the old account and choosing to transfer all transactions to the new currency work?
> That would be significantly easier than manual editing.
> I?m not sure how the use of Trading Accounts affects this, or if it should or should not be turned on.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 4:45 AM, David Cousens <davidcousens at bigpond.com> wrote:
>> Have you checked the default currency used Edit->Preferences, Accounts tab,
>> Default Currency. It is normally set to locale. I guess you are in Australia
>> so it should be AUD. If not, diid you possibly create the book originally
>> while overseas or the locale on your computer was not set to Australia.
>> AFAIK it is not possible to edit the currency of an account once it is
>> created in the Edit Account dialog only in the New Account dialog.
>> It should be possible to edit the file this but fraught with possible
>> problems. Work on a copy of your original file and don't save it over the
>> original until you are really sure that the problem is fixed and other
>> problems haven't been created. I would keep a copy of the original even
>> after you reach this point just to be sure.
>> Your XML file will have to be uncompressed Edit ->Preferences General Tab
>> and uncheck the box which says compress files. You may then have to force a
>> Save. I did this by creating a dummy transaction in a register then hitting
>> the Save button in the toolbar, deleting the dummy transaction and clicking
>> Save again.
>> The section of the XMLfile which contains the commodity information for an
>> account is reproduced below for a SGD account I have.
>> <gnc:account version="2.0.0">
>> <act:name>TravelMoney_CC_SGD</act:name>
>> <act:id type="guid">*7db63ffa514d478191dea006748d7bd6*</act:id>
>> <act:type>LIABILITY</act:type>
>> <act:commodity>
>> <cmdty:space>CURRENCY</cmdty:space>
>> *<cmdty:id>SGD</cmdty:id>*
>> </act:commodity>
>> You will have to have the commodity you wish to change the account to
>> specified earlier in the file in a section like
>> <gnc:commodity version="2.0.0">
>> <cmdty:space>CURRENCY</cmdty:space>
>> <cmdty:id>SGD</cmdty:id>
>> <cmdty:get_quotes/>
>> <cmdty:quote_source>currency</cmdty:quote_source>
>> <cmdty:quote_tz/>
>> </gnc:commodity>
>> Each transaction to the account will have the commodity specified in a
>> <trn:currency> tag set. You would need to find all of these and change the
>> commodity similarly
>> <gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
>> <trn:id type="guid">4ec8a9416b31469bb1eeaf79c5557092</trn:id>
>> <trn:currency>
>> <cmdty:space>CURRENCY</cmdty:space>
>> <cmdty:id>SGD</cmdty:id>
>> </trn:currency>
>> <trn:date-posted>
>> <ts:date>2019-03-17 10:59:00 +0000</ts:date>
>> </trn:date-posted>
>> <trn:date-entered>
>> <ts:date>2019-05-14 03:25:18 +0000</ts:date>
>> </trn:date-entered>
>> <trn:description>XX 1897 BP-BOOKSACTUALLY</trn:description>
>> <trn:slots>
>> <slot>
>> <slot:key>date-posted</slot:key>
>> <slot:value type="gdate">
>> <gdate>2019-03-17</gdate>
>> </slot:value>
>> </slot>
>> </trn:slots>
>> <trn:splits>
>> <trn:split>
>> <split:id type="guid">2bf944df822042849e1cbd5a2b6db3c8</split:id>
>> <split:reconciled-state>n</split:reconciled-state>
>> <split:value>6100/100</split:value>
>> <split:quantity>6654/100</split:quantity>
>> <split:account
>> type="guid">7be97b5f738386fd2272881dc33a0272</split:account>
>> </trn:split>
>> <trn:split>
>> <split:id type="guid">4ef42d767cc748f79ce09d6d8f2d3043</split:id>
>> <split:reconciled-state>y</split:reconciled-state>
>> <split:reconcile-date>
>> <ts:date>2019-05-14 13:59:59 +0000</ts:date>
>> </split:reconcile-date>
>> <split:value>-6100/100</split:value>
>> <split:quantity>-6100/100</split:quantity>
>> <split:account
>> type="guid">*7db63ffa514d478191dea006748d7bd6*</split:account>
>> </trn:split>
>> </trn:splits>
>> </gnc:transaction>
>> Make sure the guid for the account matches up (bolded in the above examples)
>> in the transaction splits and the account you have modified the currency
>> for.
>> AFAIK they are the only places you should need to modify the currency but I
>> only have a passing acquaintance with the file XML format and the data
>> structures so I cannot be sure.
>> The price database was the other section which had records containing the
>> currency
>> <price>
>> <price:id type="guid">5b56177651ba48ffa9ce7410e4f3f355</price:id>
>> <price:commodity>
>> <cmdty:space>CURRENCY</cmdty:space>
>> <cmdty:id>AUD</cmdty:id>
>> </price:commodity>
>> <price:currency>
>> <cmdty:space>CURRENCY</cmdty:space>
>> <cmdty:id>SGD</cmdty:id>
>> </price:currency>
>> <price:time>
>> <ts:date>2019-03-21 14:00:00 +0000</ts:date>
>> </price:time>
>> <price:source>user:price</price:source>
>> <price:value>70000/77059</price:value>
>> </price>
>> <price>
>> It may be easier edit that with the edit facilities in the Tools->Price
>> Database if necessary. None of this is really recommended but proceed with
>> extreme caution lots of backups and good luck.
>> David Cousens
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