[GNC] Register entry method. was: Bulk moving transactions

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Wed Jul 1 17:51:30 EDT 2020

On 7/1/2020 5:24 PM, David Carlson wrote:

>> Maybe I don't know the correct terminology.  I envision the currently
>> selected transaction automatically appearing in a data entry window instead
>> of in the register.

What do you see when you are entering a "split" transaction?

That is a "view" you are are allowed to choose to be on all the time, 
yes? Isn't that what you just asked for?

Michael D Novack

PS: Because this view is appearing AS IF it were in the account 
register, you might think of it as being there. It isn't. It's what 
would appear as the journal entry that will result in a line in that 
account register when it gets posted (on completion)

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