[GNC] Register entry method. was: Bulk moving transactions

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 20:14:02 EDT 2020

Around 10 years ago I experimented with a competitive product to GnuCash
called "MyMoney" produced by MTH Software.  It was (is) based on a database
format.  The primary register view had a large area at the bottom of the
main window that served as the data entry window, and contained as many
fields as necessary to enter or edit a transaction.  This software is still
available today and there is a user manual available at
http://wiki.mthbuilt.com/.  There were multiple reasons then that I decided
early on to switch to GnuCash as my primary financial software, but their
User Interface is beautiful and efficient, in my opinion.  I would not want
to suggest design details to our developers beyond looking at their
interface as an example of what can be done.  Also, their software is
proprietary, so it cannot be copied outright.

The advantage of separating the data entry from the register is that the
data fields can not only be tailored to work within a SQL format, but they
can be designed with more layout freedom when not constrained in the
register format.  The register portion of the window does not need to show
all the transaction details, just the basic elements necessary to identify
each transaction and a running balance. And the underlying code does not
have to jump through all the U I hoops that are needed to keep everything
synchronized in all the GnuCash register variations.

I have not fired up their software in about a decade, but if I recall, it
handled simple two account transactions, complex multi-split transactions,
stock purchase and sales with capital gains all in variations of their
basic window.

David Carlson

On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 4:53 PM Michael or Penny Novack <
stepbystepfarm at comcast.net> wrote:

> On 7/1/2020 5:24 PM, David Carlson wrote:
> >> Maybe I don't know the correct terminology.  I envision the currently
> >> selected transaction automatically appearing in a data entry window
> instead
> >> of in the register.
> What do you see when you are entering a "split" transaction?
> That is a "view" you are are allowed to choose to be on all the time,
> yes? Isn't that what you just asked for?
> Michael D Novack
> PS: Because this view is appearing AS IF it were in the account
> register, you might think of it as being there. It isn't. It's what
> would appear as the journal entry that will result in a line in that
> account register when it gets posted (on completion)
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David Carlson

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