[GNC] Prevent register from auto-duplicating transactions?

Stan Brown the_stan_brown at fastmail.fm
Sun Jul 12 16:06:32 EDT 2020

Thanks, John, for the super-fast reply.

I'm embarrassed I didn't think of that myself -- just add some extra
text in Description so that it's no longer a match to any prior
transactions in the register.

Thanks again!

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2020-07-12 13:03, John Ralls wrote:
> Sort of. When it autocompletes hit right-arrow to move to the end of the autocompleted string and add an extra character, then tab. That will prevent GnuCash from copying in the transaction and you can fill in the account and credit/debit fields, then tab back to description and remove the extra character and press Enter to complete the transaction.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Jul 12, 2020, at 12:27 PM, Stan Brown <the_stan_brown at fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> Example: In a trip to the supermarket I buy food, wine, flowers, and
>> cleaning supplies. To record that, I enter a transaction in GC, in the
>> register for my credit card:
>> Description = (store name)
>> Click the Split button.
>> In each of four splits, Memo = details of what I bought, Account =
>> (account for that type of expense), Debit = (amount)
>> In the fifth split, Memo = blank, Account = (credit card), credit = (total)
>> All of that is fine. (I don't divide that purchase into four
>> transactions, because I want the credit amount to match what will be
>> shown on my credit-card statement.)
>> But here's the problem. On the next trip to that store, I buy only food.
>> What I want to do, in the account register for my credit card, is enter
>> Description = (store name), Transfer = "Groceries", Credit = (amount).
>> But as soon as I enter the store name in description, GC creates five
>> splits that duplicate that previous shopping trip. I have to click Split
>> and manually delete three splits, one at a time.
>> Is there some way to tell GC "don't finish this one transaction for me"?
>> Or, almost as good, when it does do the auto-complete, is there some way
>> to tell it "not this time, thank you", and have it delete all of what it
>> helpfully created for me??

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