[GNC] Reconcile also opens Interest Payment box?

Art Chimes artsonline at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 17:44:59 EDT 2020

I have a scheduled transaction set up for autopay on my credit card
accounts; all I have to do is fill in the amount, so I don't need the
annoying (albeit not life-threatening) popup.

And I pay my credit card bills in full every month; I don't know when
I last paid interest, so that popup is also superfluous, at least for

Decades ago, my mother — a one-time bookkeeper, back in the days of
paper ledgers and Bic Accountant extra-fine point pens (or maybe even
the fountain pen equivalent) — stressed the importance of reconciling
my checkbook, and I do so religiously, if not always with immediate
success, still.

I even occasionally reconcile my brokerage account to make sure my
GnuCash has the same number of shares as they do.

So please, do not get rid of reconciliation. I would probably have to
go back to <gasp!> Quicken.


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