[GNC] Import Transaction Matcher issue in v4

Fross, Michael michael at fross.org
Sun Jul 26 16:56:59 EDT 2020

Hello all,

I sent this earlier this month and didn't see any reply so I thought I
would try again.   Has anyone else seen these issues?  I use Citibank and
perhaps it's a Citibank issue, but I did not have this problem on v2 or v3.

Thanks all.  I appreciate the help.


On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 9:48 AM Fross, Michael <michael at fross.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I typically download QFX files from my banks every day or two, import them
> to clear them in Gnucash.  Worked great.  However, ever since upgrading to
> v4, the importer seems to have trouble matching.  Most of the imported
> transactions are listed in the importer as (A)dd, but when I select
> (C)lear for them it says match missing.
> This has occurred for several accounts.  Here is a simple credit card
> example, although for my checking account, there are dozens like this.  The
> top portion shows the register with the Sprint bill cleared.  The date,
> amount, and name (mostly) match.
> [image: image.png]
> Not sure if there is just something wrong with my setup or not.  Perhaps a
> bug?  Are others experiencing this?  Any ideas to get the matcher matching
> again?  Something need to get cleared out?
> For those of us in the US, happy Independence Day.  Thank you all for your
> assistance.
> Michael
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