[GNC] BotanyBayGardens nonprofit example, and why GnuCash does not suffice

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sun Jul 26 17:40:19 EDT 2020

> Hmm.  Better migrate to a credit union then.  Mine will send checks to
> an address and they will even put the stamp on the envelope.  There is
> an option to send to a phone number or email address.

Lovely. If you directed a check to my phone number it's inaccessible.  
Do you KNOW that phone number is to a "smart-phone"or similar device, 
not a "flip phone", or in my case a "land line" << you can't call HERE 
to a cell phone, no cell service -- I do know several spots within a 
mile where from some spot on a hilltop can get a connection to call out 
 >> In other words, more information for you to store.

Email address -- yes that works if the recipient has an adequate printer 
and their bank will accept such checks << yes they are legal, but my 
bank has great difficulty scanning them in. Just had to go through that 
nonsense. >>

Having the bank mail a check? When I mail a check, there is always going 
to be supporting documentation in the envelope along with it. Are you 
receiving checks with no indication what for? What do you do then?

Michael D Novack

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