[GNC] BotanyBayGardens nonprofit example, and why GnuCash does not suffice

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Jul 27 13:21:37 EDT 2020

On 7/27/2020 12:13 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:

> I am able to send along an account ID or Invoice ID and then there is
> the entire memo field on the check.  I also get an email from the CU (if
> I request) stating that it has been sent.  I can forward that to the
> recipient with additional notes.
> Not convenient, but driving an hour to hand over coin is also very
> inconvenient.
Handing over coin?

I meant as opposed to addressing and stamping an envelope, writing  a 
check, sticking that into the envelope along with a copy of the invoice 
(or copy of the receipts being reimbursed, etc.), walking to the end of 
the drive to stick it in the mailbox and put the flag up.

Things get lost in offices. I would never, for example send a check and 
its documentation in two separate envelopes. Any more than sending an 
electronic transfer and separate email. Electronic transfers are for 
when the recipient has asked for this and is assuming responsibility for 
crediting it to the correct transaction. If a business or government 
agency they may have set up a "draw" app for direct payment so already 
connected to the transaction.

Michael D Novack

There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave.

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