[GNC] How to track part of the total available assets spanning several accounts?

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Jun 1 11:22:33 EDT 2020

On 5/31/2020 6:43 PM, Peter Azmanov wrote:

> While the first part (savings) can be easily tracked via accounts of 
> this type, the second and third part aren't that obvious. I can't make 
> a sub-account in any of the accounts above because surplus is in all 
> of the accounts and I don't care how it's split between those.

Well you COULD.

Your question might more properly be thought of as "IF I had "surplus" 
as sub accounts under each bank how would I produce a report showing 

<< You also asked "should I" but at the moment I will ignore that. With 
only in three, probably could just add up those from the Balance Sheet. 
So let's pretend you would have LOTS of sub accounts making up total 
surplus and yo want gnucash to do the work >>

OK then, you run the Balance Sheet report and use edit=>report options 
to select JUST the sub accounts that are surplus. You then get a funny 
sort of balance sheet report showing just these accounts and total << it 
will call that "total assets" of course >> You can change the title of 
the report, in this case change "Balance Sheet" to "Surplus Funds"

Michael D Novack

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